
AlbaniaTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Albania Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Albania Government in Sector.

Purchase Telescope for Evidence of Violations

ALT Ref No.:  103716158

Deadline:  19 Jul 2024

Vehicle Purchase (Tractor)

ALT Ref No.:  103716161

Deadline:  15 Jul 2024

Publications and Magazines for the Year 2024

ALT Ref No.:  103716162

Deadline:  15 Jul 2024

Designs of Construction Works

ALT Ref No.:  103716372

Deadline:  08 Jul 2024

Designs of Construction Works

ALT Ref No.:  103716404

Deadline:  08 Jul 2024

Ic-National Evaluation Consultant

ALT Ref No.:  103709386

Deadline:  18 Jul 2024

National Ic - it Specialist

ALT Ref No.:  103709389

Deadline:  17 Jul 2024

The Debate

ALT Ref No.:  103654670

Deadline:  15 Jul 2024

Expenses for Maintaining the Leds of Leds

ALT Ref No.:  103654728

Deadline:  15 Jul 2024

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