
AlbaniaTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Albania Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Albania Government in Sector.

Transport Service

ALT Ref No.:  103606435

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Loti.7 Sistemi Respirator Salbutamol 4Mg Tablete

ALT Ref No.:  103606436

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Loti.5 General Anti-Infectives Amantadine 100 Mg Tablets/ Capsules

ALT Ref No.:  103606438

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Transport Vehicle Repair

ALT Ref No.:  103606221

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Loti.6 Sistemi Kardiovaskular Furosemide 25 Mg Tablete

ALT Ref No.:  103606222

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Loti.25 Valsartan Cardiovascular System 160 Mg Tablets

ALT Ref No.:  103606223

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Tear.1 Metabolism and Digestive Tract Domperidone 10 Mg Tablets

ALT Ref No.:  103606224

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

Loti.21 General Anti-Infectives Doxycycline 100 Mg Tablets/ Capsules

ALT Ref No.:  103606681

Deadline:  04 Jul 2024

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