
AlbaniaTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Albania Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Albania Government in Sector.

Technical Assistance Related to Open Data.

ALT Ref No.:  103472394

Deadline:  12 Jul 2024

Purchase of Digital Equipment + Security System

ALT Ref No.:  103431766

Deadline:  08 Jul 2024

"Purchasing Fire Extinguishing Equipment

ALT Ref No.:  103432630

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

Materials Connecting Devices

ALT Ref No.:  103432419

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

Shopping for Coffee with Grandpa

ALT Ref No.:  103432365

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

"Purchase of Concrete Pipes for the Undertaking of Municipal Services

ALT Ref No.:  103432398

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

Purchase of Inverter Air Conditioner

ALT Ref No.:  103432416

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024


ALT Ref No.:  103432598

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

Expenses for the Maintenance of Office Appliances and Equipment

ALT Ref No.:  103432358

Deadline:  01 Jul 2024

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